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What are the Major Drivers of Unethical Managerial Behavior?

By Office Best Practices

In any business organization, ethics is of the utmost importance. Business ethics is what helps members of an organization – from c-suite and executive level players to entry-level employees – determine whether an action is positive or negative for the employer. But, unethical managerial behavior is an issue that can irreparably harm an organization, both internally and externally. Which are the drivers of unethical managerial behavior? Everyone has a reason for doing what they do, and unethical business practices are often perpetrated for some type of personal gain. Some of the drivers of unethical managerial behavior include:      Profit…

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Tips for Hiring A Stockbroker

By Investing

You’re getting ready to hire a stockbroker for either yourself, or for your company. It’s an important step for your finances, so you need to make sure you make the right choice. There are thousands of stockbrokers out there, and even more people that call themselves stockbrokers, but are anything but. Many people are beginning to buy and sell securities on their own, and consider that proper experience to get a job as a stockbroker. We’re here to tell you that is not the case. Becoming a stockbroker is not easy, and only truly talented professionals become actual stockbrokers. Let’s…

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Social Impact Investing: What Is It?

By Investing

Making money can be a dirty business. But, that means it doesn’t have to be! As our economy moves into the future, more and more investors are thinking about how they can have a positive impact on the world. It’s no secret that industries like fossil fuels, agriculture, and manufacturing create pollution, and the defense industry is always creating new weapons for conflicts around the world. As we explore the world of social impact investing, you’ll find that there are incredible opportunities not only to help the world, but can also be lucrative for the savvy investor. What is Social…

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The Cons of Standing Desks

By General, Office Best Practices, Office Space Design

Several months back, we explored the benefits of standing desks. But, as with everything good, there is always a bad side. Some time back, the craze around standing desks lit the furniture and office design world alight. Scores of people started flocking to the standing desk, believing it was a revolution in office work life. Read about the craze: 7 Benefits of a Standing Desk – As stated above, the news about standing desks isn’t all good. From different types of back pain to muscle fatigue, there are definitely negative aspects of this furniture craze. Read below some of…

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How to Create a Multiple Monitor Setup with 2 or More Displays

By Office Best Practices, Office Space Design

For high-powered computer users – regardless of the industry – having multiple screens can help increase productivity and give you an edge on how you’re perceiving your projects. This is especially true for traders, dispatch,  and control room operators. Having multiple monitors is important because you can dedicate a full screen to multiple tasks. Often, people will display different parts of the same process on multiple screens to cut down on having to switch back and forth between screens. We’ve put together a quick guide on how to set up multiple screens on one computer. This includes the hardware you’ll…

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team discussing how to plan for an office move

How to Organize an Office Move in Five Easy Steps

By Office Space Design

Your office is getting ready to move. While this is generally a major event for any company, it often signifies some sort of major transformation happening with the organization – either growth or shrinking. It’s easy to understand why this is a stressful time for any office manager. Most people have had to move from one living situation to another, but in terms of offices most people have never had this kind of undertaking on their plate. That’s why we’ve put together five points of consideration for moving an office that we see in almost every case. The considerations –…

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2019 Office Design Trends

2019 Trends in Office Design & Furniture

By Office Space Design

If you ask any office employee about the environment of their workplace, they’ll most likely have strong opinions. That’s because the place where we spend 40+ hours a week working can have a major impact on our mood, health, and well-being. It’s easy to imagine that going into an office awash in grey and sterile colors and furniture doesn’t do much for motivation and creativity. On the flip side, offices that are too all over the place can lend themselves to a lack of productivity and distraction, something that will assuredly cost any business’ bottom line in a major way….

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The Five Best Conferences for Hedge Fund Managers

The Five Best Conferences for Hedge Fund Managers

By Hedge Funds

As hedge fund management is an ever-changing world, it’s best to keep up on the latest trends from industry leaders. Conferences are one of the best opportunities to hear from leaders in the industry of hedge fund management about new emerging markets, opportunities to optimize your investor operations, and get insider information on the hottest opportunities for new growth. We’ve taken a look at some of the best hedge fund manager conferences in the country, starting in December and going into 2019. You’ll find there are many opportunities to get top-notch information about the industry, its future, and new developments…

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hedge fund conference room

Furnishing a Hedge Fund – What You Need to Know

By Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are a complex business. Aside from the analytical work that goes into running a successful hedge fund, it’s important to understand the way a hedge fund needs to carry itself to furnish it properly. Hedge funds generally have two identities—one that faces the clients and investors, and the other that houses the processes necessary to keep things running. How you want to present these two “identities” will determine how you will furnish the office of your fledgling hedge fund. We’ve broken down the two “identities” into several considerations so you can make sure you’re making the right choice…

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starting a hedge fund

How to Run a Successful Hedge Fund: An Introduction

By Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are a new economic entity that is making fortunes and creating despair left and right. An incredibly complex business, hedge fund investing is truly a gambling man’s game. The balance of risky and safe investments, personal convictions, and an eye for effective office design and staffing are just a few of the crucial factors to managing a hedge fund that will produce growth for your clients. We’ve taken a look at three factors that could boost your chance for successfully managing a hedge fund. While this is by no means an exhaustive guide, we believe it’s a great…

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