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Remote Possibilities: Is Working From Home the Future?

By Office Space Design

Just a few years ago, the future of office work seemed clear: it wouldn’t be in the office at all. Large companies began recognizing that having an off-site workforce simplified employees’ lives in terms of stressful commutes and childcare arrangements. It also gave them a larger pool of talent to choose from. Diebold, a company that manufactures ATMs, decided to adopt a telecommuting policy to attract potential new hires from outside the Canton, Ohio area where the headquarters are located. Quickly, they were recruiting talented new employees from Silicon Valley and major US cities. Telecommuting even cuts office maintenance costs…

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Small Habits to Adopt for a More Productive 2017

By Office Best Practices

Being productive throughout the workday is something that many professionals struggle with, especially those in a high-pressure career like investment banking. Juggling many tasks at once while various deadlines loom can stress us out to the point that we become overwhelmed and burnt out, struggling to accomplish even our most basic responsibilities. Creating lasting change in our lives when it comes to productivity can be a daunting idea. Doing things the same way day after day and year after year gets us into deep grooves that are tough to get out of. However, adopting minor, manageable new productivity habits throughout…

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Using Office Ergonomics to Prevent Fatigue

Using Office Ergonomics to Prevent Fatigue

By Office Best Practices

How Effective Office Ergonomics Can Help to Prevent Employee Fatigue Though it seems straightforward enough, designing a well-functioning workspace carries a great deal of complexity. Paying attention to ergonomics is crucial when it comes to preventing injury, enhancing productivity and reducing fatigue for your employees. Here’s what the science of ergonomics has to say about creating and managing a workplace where your employees can work best. What is ergonomics? First things first — what do we mean by ergonomics? Office ergonomics is the science of designing a workstation to fit the capabilities and limitations of the average worker. It takes into account the…

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Data Center Design Best Practices

By Office Space Design

Designing the Data Center of Your Dreams A modern data center uses good power and cooling strategies to optimize efficiency and uptime. However, power and cooling sufficiency is no longer enough to ensure this result. Designing a Data Center Involves Multiple Components Evaluate the following components when designing a data center for optimal uptime and control. Top designers, like Saraval Industries, realize that there can be no inefficiency or a less than optimal command center to achieve user goals for accuracy and immediacy of access. Best practices demand the maximizing of the following components, at a minimum. Performance Users expect…

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eco-friendly furniture solutions

Eco-Friendly Furniture Solutions

By Office Space Design

Everything You Need to Know About Eco-Friendly Furniture Solutions Eco-friendly furniture now comes in most styles for the home and the workplace. Yet, office furniture lends itself to environmentally-friendly products even more than furniture for the home. If your company wants to “go green” with its office décor, there are numerous good options. Most quality, eco-friendly office furniture comes with long, sometimes lifetime, guarantees. According to Environmental Protection Agency estimates, approximately 3 million tons of office furniture and furnishings are discarded each year. Here’s what you need to know about doing your part. Technical Furniture Some quality furniture organizations, like Saraval Industries,…

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How Millennials Are Changing Office Design Trends

By Office Space Design

Much is made of millennial culture, both good and bad. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter how millennials are judged by older generations or by each other. They’re here to stay, and they’re quickly changing the world around them. As more and more millennials (commonly defined as the generation born between 1980 and 2000) enter the workforce, office design trends are quickly adjusting to fit the preferences of today’s young workers. Companies are increasingly realizing that they need to court talented and educated young people, and one of the best ways to do it is to make their workspaces as millennial-friendly…

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Improving Office Organization to Maximize Productivity

By Office Best Practices

As employees, our morale and productivity are heavily dependent on our surroundings. An office that feels streamlined, open and invigorating is directly tied to workers who feel motivated and ready to perform their best. Good organization in the workspace is a key factor in creating this kind of productivity-enhancing environment. When we’re surrounded by clutter, it’s difficult to stay focused and easy to succumb to distraction. From a practical perspective, in a poorly organized office it takes longer for employees to locate things they need, causing unnecessary delays. Interested in learning how to improve office organization? Read on for some…

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Office Lobby Design Ideas

Furnishing Great First Impressions: Decorating Your Office Lobby

By Office Space Design

Office Lobby Design Ideas for Great First Impressions A lot happens in your office lobby. People pass through it all day long — members of your team, returning clients, prospective clients, collaborators. Even though most visitors may only linger here a few minutes, their time in this space will leave a lasting impression. Your reception area is telling visitors a story about your company: is it forward-thinking? Is it confident in its brand? Is it successful? Is it creative and energetic? A well-designed office lobby will serve as a constant reassurance to seasoned team members that they’re working for a great…

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The Five Best Cities for Trading Jobs Other Than NYC

By Trading

When one pictures the financial trading industry, the images of Wall Street and Manhattan loom large. Indeed, New York City is the commercial capital of the United States, home to the biggest financial markets and the most Fortune 500 companies in the world. But NYC isn’t for everyone. The cost of living is significantly higher than the average US city, and elevated tax rates means that more of your paycheck’s gone missing before it even hits your bank account. If you’ve burned out on the Big Apple, check out this list of five other cities that are great places for…

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Reduce stress as a trader

How To Reduce Stress as a Financial Trader

By Trading

Reducing Stress and the Financial Trader Whatever initially drew you to a career in finance, it likely wasn’t a hankering for a low-stress, relaxed lifestyle. Probably the exact opposite, in fact. While the long working hours and typical high-tension workplaces are generally seen as an unfortunate side effect to the job, it’s true that many of those who choose this line of work actually thrive on a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Sure, it’s normal to complain about the demanding nature of your work. But can you really picture yourself putting in an easy, uneventful 8 hours and heading home for a…

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